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About Us


Simple, spirited movement

Sustainable exercise for everyone

Strong in body & mind

Welcome to VK Pilates (AKA: Venus Brutnall Pilates)


As the world has been topsy turvied into a new covid normal, VK pilates has big dreams in bringing health & wellbeing into your own space that is 100% safe and contact free.


Our passion is to deliver online "open level" pilates classes to anyone from anywhere in the world, providing our customers with nothing but the highest quality instruction & knowledge, backed by the latest current scientific evidence in human movement.


Each class is designed to suit all fitness levels. Whether you're a beginner or an avid pilates enthusiast our programs are guaranteed to meet your needs & keep you satisfied.


With a creative team, VK Pilates strive to be the motivating minds that bring a smile to your face, always looking for innovative ways to get the best out of you!

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